OK, I'll come right out with it: I like things done a certain way, up to my high standards. But don't get me wrong, it isn't all about striving for perfection.
I'm a mom, and I know the reality of what goes on in the family trenches. Over my 15+ years of professional photography, I've learned to roll with whatever my clients bring to the photo session.
I know that truly great photos are created in the little moments families share in between the poses. Like your family, your photos may not be "perfect" in every sense, but they're perfect for you.
Every family photo session has its challenges. The trick is to look at these challenges as opportunities. You want your family's authentic story to be told. And, you also want to feel the real connections.
You want to show the story of your family growing and bonding, building relationships, and each unique personality blossoming.
Your family photos are a legacy that your children can pass on to their families one day and say... ”This is where I come from. This is MY story".
that you probably don't need to know about me but might find interesting: